Support Us!
Your Support HELPS Save Lives
- Your support means so much to our organization.
- One of the best ways to assist our group of volunteers is through a tax deductible financial donation.
- You can help people affected by maritime disasters.
- You can also make a difference by supporting programs serving those in your own community.
- We are a Registered Charitable Society. Registration # 119063980 RR0001
- Tax receipts are issued for donations of $20 or greater. Please do not send cash in the mail.
On-Line (with debit or credit cards)
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* CanadaHelps issues tax receipts automatically by email.
* PayPal tax receipts are typically sent within 30 days of donation via Canada Post.
By Mail
Download our printable donation form, fill out and mail along with your cheque to:
Oak Bay Sea Rescue Society
PO Box 42039 RPO
Oak Bay, BC V8R 6T4
+1 (250) 896.2625
“We Live Forever Through What We Give” (Douglas M. Lawson).
Consider Leaving A Legacy to Oak Bay Sea Rescue Society. For educational information about legacy gifts, please visit this website: – there is a Vancouver Island chapter available to assist you with your questions. Or phone us @ +1 250.896.2625 and our Fundraising Chair will follow up and contact you.
Your Time
… and be one of our local heroes! Click here to find out how you can join our organization.
NOTE: Our organization prides itself on ethical fundraising practices. We do not engage in telemarketing or share our donor list with other organizations.
Type 1 Fast Rescue Craft
$50000 – ShockWave Integrated Control Environment (ICE) – shock absorbing platform to lessen impact of heavy seas to crews.
$8500 – Self Righting System – which could save the lives of crew members if vessel capsizes in heavy seas.
$25000 – Electronic navigation instruments – essential radar, GPS chart plotter and AIS equipment for a crew racing to an emergency.
$1200 – buys 2 fixed Marine VHF Radios for maintaining constant communication between rescue crews and rescue coordinators, vessels of opportunity.
$6000 – Thermal Night Vision (FLIR) to assist crews spot survivors in darkness, smoke and fog.
$500 – is the cost of 2 handheld HID spotlights used for night searches.
$5000 – is the price of First Aid equipment, AED, Oxygen and spine board, to package and transport patients to the nearest safe harbour.
$55000 – is the cost of twin 250 hp Yamaha engines to get crews on-scene fast.
$1500 – the average cost of vessel service and maintenance every 100 hours of use (fuel extra).
$1000 – is the average cost of fuel per month for missions and training of crews.
$30 – the price of protective goggles which improve vision during foul weather rescues.
$85 – the cost of a strobe light which could save the life of a crew member swept overboard during a night rescue.
$350 – the price of a helmet – essential for a crew member racing at high speeds to a rescue.
$200 – pays for a specialized pfd-utility vest, which gives a crew member quick access to first aid and safety equipment.
$250 – waterproof buoyant binoculars to assist crews spotting survivors.
$270 – buys a radio for fast communication between rescue crews and rescue coordinators.
$1100 – is the price of a dry suit or all-weather survival suit, necessary for British Columbia’s freezing waters and harsh winter storms.
$1200 – is the price of a high-volume de-watering pump, necessary to assist sinking vessels in distress.
$6000 – thermal night vision camera for crews to see in total darkness, smoke and fog.
$185 – the average cost of a single incident with one crew and one vessel.
Junior Program
$25 – navigation chart for location and passage planning.
$30 – personal flashlight to protect members in case of man overboard.
$35 – knives to assist members in cutting lines/flotsam/debris.
$500 – marine first aid kit required by crews to assist anyone in medical distress.
Rescue Station (boathouse)
$5000 – the cost of a launch bay door required to secure/protect our vessel inside the new Rescue Station.
$9500 – the cost of one of three new pilings required for our new Rescue Station.
$15000 – the cost of engineered boathouse plans – mandatory requirement for our location.
$18000 – the cost of a boat lift required to safely protect our vessel from wind and wake damage, algae and marine growths.
$25000 – the cost of flotation for our boathouse structure.
Where Most Needed
Much of our equipment is specialized. Due to the nature of our services, unexpected costs can arise. During a tasking or training, equipment can be lost at sea or damaged beyond repair.
Safety standards are always changing – occasionally a mandatory change will happen quickly and impact our planned budget dramatically.
To keep our administrative costs at their very lowest, we do not rent office space or employ any paid staff. All administrative work is done by our dedicated volunteers. Extras funds will help make our volunteer’s administrative jobs faster and easier; and in turn help keep you more informed. Funds in this category will also help support volunteer recognition events.